Saturday, February 5, 2011

International Wedding Couples Marry in Las Vegas!

We get asked from time to time if we work with International couples. Well, the answer is... most definitely! In 2010, Scenic Las Vegas Weddings performed weddings/vow renewals/commitment ceremonies for 206 International couples!

Here is the breakdown for 2010:

Canada-68 couples
UK-69 couples
Other-33 (from Jamaica to Hong Kong to New Zealand and everywhere in between)

Our most popular wedding locations for our International couples seems to be Valley of Fire, Grand Canyon, and the Las Vegas Strip. A lot of our couples do Valley of Fire and add Las Vegas Strip Photography and/or the Neon Museum.

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Anonymous Limo Perth said...

This blog is full of pictures of newlywed couples at different wedding venues. However, what I really like here are the pictures of the wedding limousine, as it perfectly highlights the bride's grand entrance to the church.

February 13, 2011 at 10:47 PM  

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